On 25 November, the Faculty of Natural Sciences celebrated the successful completion of their degree or doctorate in the Audimax with this year's graduates and their friends and family.
The expertise of Paderborn science is in demand: Prof. Dr. Eric Bodden, Head of the Institute of Computer Science, and Prof. Dr. Christine Silberhorn, physicist and holder of the Chair of "Integrated Quantum Optics", have been accepted as new members of the German Academy of Science and Engineering - acatech for short.
Photo (Paderborn University, Adelheid Rutenburges): The new Dean's Office of the Faculty of Science: (from left to right) Prof. Dr Jochen Baumeister, Prof. Dr Thomas Werner, Prof. Dr Kirsten Schlegel-Matthies, Prof. Dr Wolf Gero Schmidt, Prof. Dr Matthias Bauer and Prof. Dr Dirk Reuter.
Faculty of Science,
Dekanat Naturwissenschaften
At its constituent meeting on 18 August, the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Natural Sciences elected the new Dean's Board for the term of office from 1 October 2023 to 30 September 2027. The elections have now been finalised with the confirmation by the President. Prof Dr Wolf Gero Schmidt was re-elected as Dean. He has held this position since April 2018. Wolf Gero Schmidt, Department of Physics, has been Professor of Theoretical Physics at…
Optoelectronics and Photonics,
Collaborative Research Centres,
Quantum Computation,
Mathematics and Computer Science,
Faculty of Science,
Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics
Working with and on the smallest particles of light has been a research focus at Paderborn University for many years. Recognised experts conduct excellent basic research in order to shape the future through concrete applications. In a new video, the scientists present what this looks like and what goals they have in mind.
Click here to go to our dossier.
Foto (Heiko Appelbaum): Prof. Dr. Sabine Radtke (3. v. l.) und die Mitglieder ihrer Arbeitsgruppe (von links: Alina Vogel, Niklas Schlangenotto, Lotte Kütemeier und Pia Freier) begrüßten in Paderborn den Projektoffizier für die diesjährigen Invictus Games, Maximilian Kunz (3. v. r.).
Der neuartige Ansatz und die erzielten Ergebnisse werden in einem Artikel beschrieben, der kürzlich als Letter in der Open-Access-Zeitschrift "Physical Review Research" veröffentlicht wurde.
Foto (Anna Kaiser, Stadtmarketing Bad Lippspringe): Freuen sich auf das Projekt „Sport im Park“ in Bad Lippspringe: (hinten v. l.) Carina Moss (Projektkoordination, Kreissportbund Paderborn e. V.), Ulrike Köhler (Vorsitzende des Stadtsportverbands Bad Lippspringe), Anna Menz und Anahita Schumacher (Studentinnen der Angewandten Sportwissenschaft an der Universität Paderborn), Dr. Hilke Teubert (betreuende Dozentin der Universität Paderborn), Studentin Lisa Venrath, Diethelm Krause (Präsident Kreissportbund Paderborn) sowie (vorne v. l.) Ulrich Lange (Bürgermeister der Stadt Bad Lippspringe) und Student Henning Bunsmann