A warm welcome!

The Faculty of Natural Sciences combines exciting research with excellent teaching. It comprises the Departments of Chemistry, Physics and Exercise & Health and educates approximately 3,500 students in more than 40 degree programmes. Around 40 professors teach at the faculty, including five recipients of ERC grants and one winner of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize. Participation in numerous research networks such as the Collaborative Research Centre SFB/TRR 142 "Tailored Nonlinear Photonics" or the Institute for Photonic Quantum Systems (PhoQS), an annual third-party funding volume of about 10 million euros and many publications in renowned scientific journals are impressive indicators of the research strength of our faculty.

A detailed portrait is given in the biennial report of the faculty (reporting period 2021/2022, PDF document 10.7 MB).

„Our faculty is characterised by a wide diversity of subjects. Common to all subjects is research at the highest level and an exceptional and successful commitment to good teaching.”

Prof. Dr. Wolf Gero Schmidt,
Dekan der Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften



Pla­n­en. Be­tei­li­­gen. Bau­en. Be­we­­gen – Jah­res­ta­­gung der dvs-Kom­mis­si­on Sport und Raum

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"An Aca­­dem­ic Ca­­reer is Chal­len­­ging but In­­cred­ibly Ful­­filling"

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In the chem­­istry lab of the fu­ture

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"Hy­dro­­gen will go its own way"

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Cit­­izen sci­ence in the hy­dro­­gen bus: ex­­per­­i­­ments on Pader­­born's town hall square

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9. BGM-Sym­­po­si­um / Di­git­al­is­ier­ung: Heraus­for­der­ungen des "New Nor­mal"

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"Jour­ney in­­to the (sports) world of the deaf": Re­f­er­­ee Ri­­cardo Sch­euer­­er as a guest at Pader­­born Uni­ver­­s­ity

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New study: Un­fa­vour­able car­bo­hydrates early in the morn­ing - a po­ten­tial prob­lem for "owls"

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Six Pader­born re­search­ers elec­ted to re­view boards of the Ger­man Re­search Found­a­tion

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The range of courses offered by the Faculty of Science is broad and is regularly developed further. In addition to the core subjects of the Departments of Chemistry, Physics and Exercise & Health, it also includes numerous interdisciplinary offers as well as English-language degree programmes.

Learn more about the study programmes offered by the faculty ...


The faculty contributes significantly to the appeal of Paderborn University by means of excellent and widely visible research. Here we focus in particular on optoelectronics and photonics, photonic quantum technologies and sustainable chemistry including new hydrogen technologies. Our research is embedded in three key research areas of Paderborn University: "Optoelectronics and Photonics", "Sustainable Materials, Processes and Products", and "Transformation and Education“.

Learn more about the research activities of the faculty...

Over­arch­ing events

Physics Colloquium

During the lecture period usually on Thursday at 4:15 pm in lecture hall A1 ...


Chemical Colloquium GDCh

During the lecture period, usually on Monday from 4:15 p.m. to approx. 5:30 p.m. in the A4 ...

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Faculty celebration

Save the Date! The planned date for the Faculty Celebration of Natural Sciences 2023 is 25 November 2023, beginning at 4 p.m. in the Audimax of UPB.

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