Fac­ulty Board of the Fac­ulty of Sci­ence - Term of Of­fice 01.10.2023 - 30.09.2025

Dean's Office:

Dean Prof. Dr. Wolf Gero Schmidt
Dean of Studies Prof. Dr. Kirsten Schlegel-Matthies
Dean of Research Prof. Dr. Jan Paradies
Vice Dean Chemistry Prof. Dr. Thomas Werner
Vice Dean Physics Prof. Dr. Dirk Reuter
Vice Dean Exercise & Health Prof. Dr. Jochen Baumeister

Group of university lecturers:

Prof. Dr. Sabine Fechner
Prof. Dr. Nina Klünder
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Nieves López Salas
Prof. Dr. Sabine Radtke
Prof. Dr. Josef Riese
Prof. Dr. Stefan Schumacher
Prof. Dr. Michael Tiemann
Prof. Dr. Thomas Zentgraf

Substitute members:
Prof. Dr. Miriam Kehne
Prof. Dr. Lars Libuda
Prof. Dr. Arno Schindlmayr
Prof. Dr. Claudia Tenberge

Group of academic staff:

Dr. Matthias Reichelt
Dr. Roland Schoch
Dr. Bettina Krüger

Group of technical and administrative staff:

Mariola Zukowski

Group of students (Term of Office 01.10.2024 - 30.09.2025):

Theresa Keuter
Katja Rumpke
Debora Schönemann

Substitute members:
Tristan Bökenföhr
Noah Spiegelberg

Other non-voting members:

Equal Opportunites Officer


The protocols are available in Sharepoint for the members of the Faculty Board.

Reg­u­la­tions of the Fac­ulty of Sci­ence

Fac­ulty Board Meet­ing Dates 2025

New: 26.03.