Doc­tor­al com­mit­tees in the Fac­ulty of Sci­ence

The doctoral committee decides on acceptance as a doctoral candidate, accepts applications for admission to the doctoral procedure, determines whether the doctoral requirements have been met and, if necessary, determines the coursework that still needs to be completed, opens the doctoral procedure, appoints the reviewers and the other members of the doctoral committee for each doctoral procedure (suggestions from the applicant can be considered), appoints the chairperson of the doctoral committee, monitors the course of the doctoral procedure and, if necessary, determines its termination, decides on the appointment of a further reviewer and decides on appeals.

Doc­tor­al Com­mit­tee Chem­istry

Term of office 01.02.2025 - 31.01.2027 or 01.07.2024 - 30.06.2025*

  • Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bremser (Chair)
  • Prof. Dr. Guido Grundmeier (Deputy Chair)
  • Prof. Dr. Martin Brehm
  • Prof. Dr. Jan Paradies
  • Dr. Oliver Seewald
  • Lea Osteresch

* The term of office of the students is 1 year, the term of office of the other groups is 2 years.

Doc­tor­al Com­mit­tee Phys­ics

Term of office 01.02.2025 - 31.01.2027 or 01.07.2024 - 30.06.2025*

  • Prof. Dr. Klaus Jöns (Chair)
  • Prof. Dr. Torsten Meier (Deputy Chair)
  • Prof. Dr. Christine Silberhorn
  • Prof. Dr. Claudia Tenberge
  • Dr. Gerhard Berth
  • Maike Mikosch

* The term of office of the students is 1 year, the term of office of the other groups is 2 years.

Doc­tor­al Com­mit­tee Ex­er­cise & Health

Term of office 01.03.2025 - 28.02.2027 or 01.07.2024 - 30.06.2025*

  • Prof. Dr. Sabine Radtke (Chair)
  • Prof. Dr. Nina Klünder (Deputy Chair)
  • Prof. Dr. Lars Libuda
  • Prof. Dr. Elke Grimminger-Seidensticker
  • Dr. Tim Lehmann
  • Anna Nienaber

* The term of office of the students is 1 year, the term of office of the other groups is 2 years.