
More move­­ment in the classroom: Pader­­born stu­dents give re­­com­­mend­a­­tions for ac­­tion

Height-adjustable furniture, designated movement zones and more: sports students at Paderborn University have developed recommendations for action for movement-orientated classroom design in primary schools as part of a seminar. They have now presented these to experts from various sectors - from schools, trades and architecture to municipal administration - and discussed them with them. The next step is to incorporate the results into everyday…

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New solu­­tion for green hy­dro­­gen pro­­duc­­tion

Scientists at Paderborn University research carbon materials for photocatalysis

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New Mas­ter's de­­gree pro­­gramme in "Sus­­tain­­able Chem­­istry" starts in winter semester 2024/2025

16. Jahrestagung der dvs-Kommission „Sport und Raum“ 19.-20. September 2024 | Bad Driburg und Paderborn Sportsoziologie freut sich auf Gäste aus unterschiedlichen wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen, Planung, Architektur und Stadtentwicklung, kommunaler Sportentwicklung und weiteren themenverwandten Berufsgruppen. Von einfachen Treppengeländern über den neuen Calisthenics-Park bis zur hochspezialisierten Turnhalle – Sport- und Bewegungsräume finden…

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"An Aca­­dem­ic Ca­­reer is Chal­len­­ging but In­­cred­ibly Ful­­filling"

Interview with postdoctoral fellow Dr. Ying Pan for nationwide „Hydrogen Week“

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In the chem­­istry lab of the fu­ture

Using VR goggles and controllers, students at Paderborn University learn the basics of practical laboratory work in the "VirtuChemLab"

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"Hy­dro­­gen will go its own way"

Interview with Prof Dr Matthias Bauer

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Cit­­izen sci­ence in the hy­dro­­gen bus: ex­­per­­i­­ments on Pader­­born's town hall square

nationwide Hydrogen Week

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Datum: Freitag, 28. Juni 2024 Zeit: 15:00 bis 17:00 Uhr (mit anschließendem get together) Ort: Universität Paderborn, SP 2 Anmeldungen sind bis zum 14. Juni per E-Mail an möglich. Die Ausweitung von Homeoffice oder Telearbeit sowie des mobilen und hybriden Arbeitens gilt in der Arbeitswelt heutzutage als das „New Normal“. Diesen Neuerungen können sich Unternehmen schwer entgegenstellen, wenn sie als…

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"Jour­ney in­­to the (sports) world of the deaf": Re­f­er­­ee Ri­­cardo Sch­euer­­er as a guest at Pader­­born Uni­ver­­s­ity

Cheering fans, shrill whistles and sometimes horrific bellowing: that's what makes the atmosphere in football stadiums - and he can't hear any of it: Ricardo Scheuerer is a deaf referee who referees football matches for hearing people in the German national league.

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A carbohydrate-rich meal in the morning triggers a lower glucose increase than the same meal in the evening - that is the current state of science. The latest results now show: This is not the case for everyone and depends on the "internal clock".

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Prof. Dr Matthias Bauer, Prof. Dr Claudia Schmidt, Prof. Dr Werner Homberg, Prof. Dr Elmar Moritzer, Prof. Dr Eric Bodden and Prof. Dr Christian Plessl have been elected to the various committees

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New food traffic light provides more clar­ity: Pader­born Uni­ver­sity sci­ent­ist in­volved in im­prov­ing the Nu­tri-Score

Through the further development of the algorithm on which the Nutri-Score system is based, the assessments should in future correspond even better with the national nutritional recommendations of the countries using the Nutri-Score.

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Pader­born phys­i­cists de­vel­op new sol­ar cell

Physicists at Paderborn University have used complex computer simulations to develop a new design for significantly more efficient solar cells than previously available.

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Meas­ur­ing the prop­er­ties of light: Sci­ent­ists real­ise new meth­od for de­term­in­ing quantum states

The ability to characterise optical quantum states makes the method an essential tool for quantum information processing.

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Photo (Paderborn University, Tanja Dittmann): Prof Dr Birgitt Riegraf (l.) and Prof Dr Johannes Blömer (r.) congratulate Dr Ying Pan on her scholarship.

Green fuel to over­come en­ergy short­ages: Dr Ying Pan re­ceives postdoc­tor­al fel­low­ship from Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

Natural scientist Dr Ying Pan has been awarded the Paderborn University's Postdoctoral Fellowship 2023 and can therefore look forward to monthly funding of 2,400 euros for a period of 18 months.

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Photon­ic quantum com­puter to be­come real­ity

More than 10 million euros in EU funding for large-scale research project

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